The priest at the Abune Abraham church shows off a goat skin fan

The priest at the Abune Abraham church shows off a goat skin fan

The ceiling mural in the Abune Yemata Guh church

The ceiling mural in the Abune Yemata Guh church

Gheralta Rock Church cluster

The Gheralta cluster has the most churches, as well as some of the most beautiful and remote. Most tourists stay in either the town of Hawzen or the town of Megab (where the local Gheralta guide association if located) to visit the churches, and there are many comfortable options for tourists based on their budgets. Many of the churches are situated on top of plateau mountains so the climb can be a little challenging for some visitors. Mariam (Maryam) Korkor offers breathtaking views of the entire valley, including the town of Megab. This cross-shaped church is a beautiful example of the rock-hewn churches, with 17th century frescoes and architectural details such as cruciform pillars. Daniel Kokor is located on the same mountain top as Mariam Kokor; although much smaller is offers beautiful paintings. Abune Yemata Guh is located near to Mariam Kokor and can be combined into one day. Abune Yemtat Guh (pictured above, right) is situated in a rock spire and is not for those with a fear of heights. A rope is available to rent from the local guide association (200 birr) and is strongly recommended for those who are not used to rock climbing. Although the climb up is tricky, the church offers some of the most beautiful paintings as well as an ancient goat skin book, The Book of St. Mary. Abune Abraham (pictured above, left) is also located on top of a mountain, with large pillars, a beautiful goat skin fan, and bas-reliefs carved into the walls. This climb is easier than Mariam Korkor and Abune Yemata and offers similarly breathtaking views of the valley below. Yohannes Maequdi is located on top of the neighboring mountain from Abune Abraham and features beautiful paintings and six freestanding pillars. Abune Gebre Mikael is located on a mountain top further away from the other churches near the town of Kararo. The frescoes here are particularly bright and the church offers examples of pillars, cupolas, and arches. All of these mountain top churches take about 1 hour to walk from the parking area, with Abune Yemata Guh being the most challenging climb, Mariam Korkor and Abune Gebre Mikael as moderately challenging, and Abune Abraham and Yohannes Maequdi as the most assessable of the mountain top churches.  

Mariam (Maryam) Papaseit church is located in a valley south of Hawzen and is a perfect church to visit for those who do not want to make the climb up the mountains. It is semi-monolithic, meaning that it is partially rock-hewn and offers many beautiful frescoes dating from the 17th century. This church is an easy 1 hour walk from the end of the road. Another easily visited church is Dugem Selassie, which is a 19th century "new church." This church is built into an outcrop rather than a large mountain, and is partially cut from the rock.          

Holy Trinity on the wall of Abraha We Atsbeha

Holy Trinity on the wall of Abraha We Atsbeha

Wukro Rock Church cluster

The Wukro rock churches are more easily reached than those in the Gheralta cluster, and are located closer to Makelle. One of Tigray's finest rock churches is Abraha We Atsbeha; this 10th century church is built into the rocks, with beautiful 17th and 18th century paintings decorating the walls. The semi-monolithic church, Wukro Chekros is the most easily assessable church from the town of Wukro. It has beautiful cruciform pillars, Aksumite frieze, and barrel-vaulted ceiling. Finally, the Wukro Museum houses many artifacts dating back to the 7th century from archeological digging of Meqaber Ga'ewa, an ancient Sabean civilization.