

Do you work outside of Tigray also?

Yes, I work all over Ethiopia! 

How much do you charge?

It really depends on what kind of tour you are looking for. As a member of the local guiding association, the guiding fee to see the churches in Tigray is set by the association. There is also a church entrance fee. These prices are changing so it is best to contact me to get quote! Please remember that only cash is accepted; either birr or USD. 

Am I supposed to tip?

Tipping it not expected but very much appreciated. If you visit the rock hewn churches in Tigray you will most likely be accompanied by a scout and it is customary to tip them about 50 birr (or more if you felt that they were especially helpful). You can also tip priests at the churches if you would like. There are no set tip amounts.

What are other costs?

It really depends on what you want to do. To see the churches in Tigray you will most likely need to rent a car. Minibuses are 120 birr per day and come with a driver. The prices are set by the drivers and they usually do not offer discounts. If you would like to go trekking then you will probably need to hire a cook, a guard, and donkeys, and purchase food for your journey. I can help you plan your trip and give you a total price for your entire experience so you don't have to negotiate at each step. 

Is Ethiopia safe?

Yes! There is very little violent crime, especially against tourists; mostly children will follow you asking for a pen. Please be aware of tourist scams, these often are people who present themselves as "poor students" who just want to show you around to make some extra money. They are mostly in the larger cities, not in the countryside.

Should i get an association guide?

If possible, be sure to ask for a guide who is a member of the local guide association. Association guides are vetted to ensure that they can speak English adequately and have standardized pricing. Non-association guides can be cheaper, but they often do not have language skills.  

What is the best way to contact you?

Please feel free to email me at or call or whatsapp me at +251 91 453 9845. Please allow at least 24 hours for a response, the network can be a little slow. 

Can you help me find lodging?

Yes! I am more than happy to discuss the different lodging options with you and help you select the perfect place based on your price point.