
Barhir Dar

An archipelago of monasteries and a bird lover's paradise

Bahir Dar is a beautiful city located on the shores of Lake Tana. The Blue Niles flows out of Lake Tana and creates a magnificent waterfall, the Blue Nile Falls, about 12 km northwest of town. Come during rainy season (June-Septebmer) to see the falls at their fullest. Hippos live at the mouth of the Blue Nile in Lake Tana along with numerous species of birds, including the Egyptian goose and pelicans. 

Guests can rent a boat for the day and travel around the lake to see the wildlife as well as the monasteries located on islands throughout the lake. Slower boats are cheaper, but faster boats will allow you to see more sights. Female guests should be aware that a few monasteries do not allow women inside, but they do offer other sights to see on the island such as museums.