Tigray Itinerary: Axum, Mekelle, Gheralta churches, Wukro churches

4-5 Days


day 1

Pick up in Makelle in the morning, optional to see the Martyr's Memorial and/or Yohannes IV Museum. Drive to Wukro and visit Abraha We Atsbeha church in Wukro. After the church continue to Hawzen to spend the night.

Day 2/3

Visit the Mariam Korkor and Daniel Korkor churches and/or visit the Abune Yemata Guh church, in Megab. Mariam Korkor and Daniel Korkor are located on the same mountain and the Abune Yemata Guh is located in a neighboring rock spire. The ascent is about 1 hour and the descent is about 1 hour. These hikes can be spread out over two days for a less intense experience, especially because the climbs begin at an elevation of 2,105 m or 6,906 feet. For a second day of church exploration, visit Abune Abraham and/or Yohannes Maequidi churches.   

day 4

Drive to Axum (3 hours) in the morning and on the way stop at the Yeha temple. (Optional to visit the Debre Damo monastery also, women are not allowed in the monastery.) If not visiting the Debre Damo monastery, then visit the Northern Stelae Field.

Day 5

Visit the Queen of Sheba's palace and explore the Axum marketplace. Drive back to Makelle or leave from the Axum airport.  



6 Days

day 1

Pick up in Makelle in the morning, optional to see the Martyr's Memorial and/or Yohannes IV Museum. Drive to Wukro and visit Abraha We Atsbeha church in Wukro. After the church continue to Hawzen to eat dinner and spend the night.

Day 2/3

Visit the Mariam Korkor and Daniel Korkor churches and/or visit the Abune Yemata Guh church, in Megab. See more details in the 4-5 day itinerary above. 

day 4

Drive to Axum (3 hours) in the morning and on the way stop at the Yeha temple. (Optional to visit the Debre Damo monastery also, women are not allowed in the monastery.) If not visiting the Debre Damo monastery, then visit the Northern Stelae Field.

Day 5

Visit the St. Mary's of Zion Churches Complex, including the Ark of the Covenant Chapel. Please note, no one is allowed inside the Ark of the Covenant Chapel and foreigners are not allowed to approach the fence around the chapel. The complex is across the street from the Northern Stelae Field, so it is possible to visit the the field on this day instead.    

Day 6

Visit the Queen of Sheba's palace and explore the Axum marketplace. Drive back to Makelle or leave from the Axum airport.